England, Chard – Historic Helicopters (2018)

19 August 2018
T: 07903 411692
We will be hosting a Family Fun Day at Historic Helicopters near Chard to mark World Helicopter Day on 19 August 2018. We hope to fly the world’s only airworthy Westland Whirlwind and conduct a Search and Rescue demonstration. We will also be showcasing the ongoing project to return Westland Wessex XT761 to airworthy status and allowing visitors to view the Restoration Hangar where Wessex HU5 XT771, Sea King HAR3 XZ597 and Sea King HC4 ZF122 currently reside.
We are pleased to announce that Terry Martin with his Wasp and Mike Cuttell with his Alouette II will be joining us. It is hoped that a Sea King from HeliOperations and a Coast Guard AW139 will also be flying in.
In addition to a display of Classic Cars, a number of events and activities have been arranged to keep children happy and occupied, including mini and junior rugby sessions with England and Bath Rugby star Lee Mears and a World War II vintage NAAFI Tea Wagon which has been converted into an Ice Cream Van!
Helicopter owners wishing to fly in to this astonishing facility on 19 August should contact mark@historichelicopters.com for details.